Lively referendum discussion and debate!

Another busy week for everyone in school, especially Rooms 12, 13 and 14. On Tuesday we were privileged to have our pupils listen to the Deputy Editor of the Sunday Mail. The hot topic of discussion was the referendum and all pupils were engaged in lively discussion prior to holding their very own referendum. In St. Aidan’s the children voted ‘No’ we are now interested to see what the national result will be in just over a week’s time. The Sunday Mail team were so impressed with our children that they have invited them to submit a front page which will be printed as a ‘real front page’. All children were eagerly planning and designing their pages this week. I must also commend the children on the intelligent questions they asked during discussion.
As part of our Health and Wellbeing programme all children were invited to participate in a dance workshop. Audrey Clark school of Dance were in school for two days leading the children in creative dance – a great success.
Our Parent Council held their first meeting of the school year on Tuesday evening. Please remember that we have three vacancies on the Parent Council for this coming year and these are open to any parent of the school. You must return the slip indicating you are interested by Friday 12th September at 3:00 pm. If we have more than three people, in line with the constitution, names will be drawn from a hat. Please remember that our Parent Council are now on Facebook – you can keep up to date with everything that is happening in the school by checking out this page.
Also please note in your diary our Curriculum Evening on September 24th at 7:00pm. At this time you will be able to come along and meet your child’s teacher, have a look at the resources your child will be using this year and find out about the interdisciplinary topics your child will be engaged in. We have also invited Mr Tony McDonald, Principal Teacher of Mathematics in St. Aidan’s High School along, he will be able to give an insight into the planning and progression from P7 into S1 in Mathematics.
Our first Out of School Hours Learning group is now up and running – Mrs Donnelly offers all children in the school a Liturgy Club on Mondays during lunchtime. We will also be working closely with St. Aidan’s High School senior pupils this year, as part of the Sports Leader Awards a number of sixth year students will be in school throughout the year offering a variety of different activities. We are really grateful for their support.

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