Welcome Back

Welcome to the first blog of our new school year. The children all looked fantastic last week in their new school clothes. We are delighted that our new Primary One pupils have settled in very quickly, already we can see them becoming increasingly independent and getting used to the school routine. If you have been out in the playground in the morning or at home time you might have noticed the variety of fruit that has been growing in our orchard areas. We are delighted that so far this year we have been able to harvest potatoes, radish, peas, cabbage, plums apples and pears. We have been busy cooking lots of food and the children have really enjoyed eating their own produce. On Thursday of this week everyone had a pancake with home made plum jam! You will see that already we are in the process of clearing out the beds for our next round of vegetables and Mrs McGeough and Mrs Bridge have involved every class in researching what foods we will be able to plant in the autumn for harvest next spring!
Thank you also to Mr McAuley, Mr McAveety and Mr Todd for clearing out the garden area. We have decided to grass all of this for ease of maintenance and over the next few months we will be tending our new grass and planning our pots to give us a bright array of colour next spring.
This year we have introduced a new play area for the children in the infant department. We have allocated a session for every child in the inner quadrangle and pupils from Primary Six will support them to enjoy a range of games over the coming months.
Primary Seven are already showing great maturity in taking on their many responsibilities, they are shaping up to be a great class – well done Primary Seven.
We opened our school year formally at Mass on Friday, if you attended this Mass thank you for coming along I’m sure you will agree that the children were fantastic.
In class the infant pupils are looking at Fairlyland this term – they will be taking a look at the moral of many fairy stories as we embed our Health and Wellbeing programme. Primary 3, 4 and 4/5 are studying Children around the World and again taking a look at the rights of the child through this approach. As you would expect we are involving our Senior pupils in looking at Rights, Rules and Responsibilities through the Referendum and the implications of the outcome of the vote. We are delighted that this week we have the Deputy Political Editor from the Sunday Mail coming along to speak with the children on this hot topic.
I hope that you will all find time this year to check out both this blog and Mrs Shearer’s nursery blog to keep up to date with events in school. We are all looking forward to a great year ahead.

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