Flaming June!

Fun in the sun!

With our term drawing to a close I would like to give you a final round up of our goings on over the past two weeks.

Our school sports day was great fun – please take time to have a look at the pictures on our website. Primary Seven have now completed all of their transition activities and are ready to leave us to take their next steps in their educational journey. We had a very emotion final Leavers’ Mass on Friday 13th followed by an even more emotional final assembly – we did think we would need to bring in emergency tissue supplies last week! They have been a brilliant group and we will miss them enormously but we know that they will do us proud in the future.

Our Maths Challenge team collected the winners’ trophy at St. Aidan’s High School Award Ceremony on Thursday night too – a tremendous achievement – well done boys!

Divided City is just about ready for the actual performance, lots of dialogue and songs have been learned and the staging is looking very good – Room Thirteen will be performing this twice on Tuesday of next week.

We had our final music assembly on Tuesday of this week. We were entertained by our Primary Fives who performed their Kodaly work, the woodwind group performed and showed us how much they have developed their musical abilities over this year – well done boys and girls and our choir performed their winning song from the Glasgow Music Festival. We are very proud of all of them.

All children visited their new classes and met their new teachers on Thursday of this week. Reports have been issued and we are now very much looking forward to our long summer holiday and the start of our new school year.

Our outings today have been a great success with glorious weather and excellent behaviour as usual!

Please remember that on Monday of next week P1,2,3,4 and 7 will be walking to the end of Coltness Road from 11:30 to catch a glimpse of the Queen’s Baton Relay. We will be having a much later lunch on Monday so would ask that all children remain in school for lunch as there will be no crossing patrol after 1:00pm.

Finally please remember that on Friday school will close at 1:00pm

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