Welcome back from Kilbowie!

Our Primary Sevens have had the most wonderful time in Kilbowie Outdoor Education Centre. They were commended by everyone who worked with them as one of the best groups ever to visit the centre! Well done Primary Seven we are very proud of you, Miss McGregor, Miss Lewis and Mrs Shearer. What a great week. Check out our Kilbowie Blog if you would like to have a look at their adventures.
Also this week we are delighted that our Bring and Buy sale was such a success. We raised £318 and would like to thank everyone for their generous donations.
Our final Lenten Fundraiser is our ‘All the Tea in China’ morning on Tuesday of this week. We always have a very good attendance at our annual Lenten tea/coffee morning and I know that you will support us again this year. At the end of this week we will be able to give an accurate figure of how much we have raised for our Lenten Charities, however I would like to thank everyone in advance for your continued support. We couldn’t do it without you.
This is our last week of term, we have had such a great term studying all about China, the children have loved it. I hope you have enjoyed sharing this with them their displays are stunning around the school. In our new term we will be focusing our interdisciplinary learning on ‘The Commonwealth Games’ and we will link this for a focus on health. Let’s hope we get lots of sunny weather to enjoy all of our outdoor activities.
Once again we had an excellent turnout at our Parent Interviews – thank you to all who attended.
I hope that everyone enjoys their Easter holidays and we look forward to keeping you updated in the last term of this year.

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