Welcome to March!

Thank you to everyone who came along to our open morning to see the children at work. We were delighted with the attendance and everyone who came along enjoyed seeing the children’s work and it was great to see so many children speaking about their class displays. Well done everybody!

Room 10 are in the final stages of their trout programme. They have done a fantastic job taking care of the trout eggs and on Friday 7th they will be heading to the River Calder to release the trout back into the river. A great job Primary Five well done on nurturing so many fish!

Pupils in Room 13 have started their Divided City project with Calderbridge Primary School. This will be a thirteen week project involving drama and music and will culminate in a performance of Theresa Breslin’s book in Calderbridge Primary School at the end of June. Many thanks to the parents who came along on Thursday night for the launch of this work. The children enjoyed their first workshop – these are led by actors from The Citizens Theatre and the children had great fun with much more to come.

Well done to our choir who performed so well in the Disney Concert at South Wishaw Parish Church last week and a huge thank you to all of the parents who came along in support. Our next choir outing is the Glasgow Music Festival on March 11th in the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow. Parents and family are most welcome to come along and support this event.

Our Cross Country runners did a great job yesterday in very muddy conditions! We are hoping that everybody has a very good stain remover to get rid of the dirt in the tracksuits! Our children did brilliantly and we have a number of children through to the final. Well done everybody – great running.

This week coming sees the start of our Lenten Season. We were delighted to welcome Fr. Peter Walters from the charity Let the Children Live. He came into school last week to speak with the children about the work he does in the streets of Medellin, Columbia. His moving presentation really brought to life the plight of these street children and certainly gave our children something to think about during our Lenten fundraising.
We will all attend 10:00 Mass on Ash Wednesday in St. Aidan’s Church where the children will all receive their ashes.
Please remember that Canon Clements will say Mass at 8:20 during Lent especially for the children in our school. Please encourage your child to attend this Mass if possible.

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