Welcome to 2014!

Welcome back and Happy New Year

All children have returned safe and well and glowing from their Christmas break. It was a delight to see everyone at our assembly on Monday, so excited to be back and eager to learn.

We have introduced our China topic throughout the school and it is wonderful to see so much pupil work already evident throughout the school. All children are very eager to learn about Chinese customs and culture and I must say a huge thanks to the parents who have provided resources for us to see and use.

We have arranged a number of events to support this topic and our first is our Tai Chi day which is later this month. All children will get the opportunity to participate in this ancient Chinese art and we are already looking forward to celebrating the Chinese New Year at the end of this month.

This month also sees us begin preparation of Sacraments in Primaries Three, Four, Six and Seven. Our Enrolment Mass will be held on Tuesday 28th January at 7:00pm. Please remember that all children in these classes should attend this Mass with family members. Sponsors for Confirmandi are also welcome to come along if they wish to do so.

We are now beginning our preparations to send Primary Seven to Kilbowie in March. Please remember that there is an information meeting for parents on Wednesday 29th January at 6:30pm.

On Wednesday of next week Primary Five are off to the Science Centre in Glasgow to begin their Clyde in the Classroom programme. We are not charging pupils for this visit and I know that Primary Five will love being involved in this project.

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