Christmas Holidays are here!

As our term draws to a close I would like to commend all of the children for their very hard work throughout this year. Our Christmas shows were a huge success and all involved had a great time performing for both shows. Packed houses each time meant that the children had a great audience for each performance. Many thanks to all parents too for their commitment in sourcing costumes, materials, props etc. We couldn’t do it without you either.

Parties were great fun and we had a very special visitor to our infant party too! Many thanks to our Parent Council for providing us with gifts from Santa.

We have now packed away all of the tinsel and glitter until next year and are looking forward to returning on 6th January to resume our very hard work. We will be focusing on China and already we have lots of activities planned to bring Chinese life and culture to the children. As you know this will tie in very nicely with the Chinese New Year so be prepared for lots of Dragon Dancing and Lantern Making!

It’s now time for everyone to have a well-earned rest. We all hope that you have a very happy and relaxing Christmas break and I look forward to hearing of Santa’s exploits in the New Year.

Happy Christmas!

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