End of term already!

I can’t believe we’re at the final week of the first term already. Where has the time gone!
Please remember that parent appointments take place this Thursday – please let us know if you can’t manage your allocated time and we will do our best to reschedule your appointment.
While you are in school please take time to go into the infant department and have a look at our butterflies! As part of the habitat topic all of the infant classes have been nurturing caterpillars and observing their transformation. We will be releasing all of them next Friday. All maths and language work will be home with you tomorrow (Monday) please take time to have a look through your child’s work and discuss their progress with them. I am sure they will be able to tell you all about their learning intentions and targets.

This week coming is bookweek and the children will all be given an opportunity to look at the books and I’m sure they’ll then let you know which books they wish to buy. These will be available to buy during our Parents’ Evening on Thursday, also children may purchase during the week if they wish. Primary Two and Three will be visiting Wishaw Library for a storytelling session and Primary One will have a session in school. We are also welcoming visitors from Motherwell Football Club to speak with senior pupils on their favourite books – we don’t know which footballers are coming yet so that will be a great surprise for the children. We are hoping that our Primary Seven pupils will provide a range of lunchtime story sessions throughout the week as part of their buddying programme.

Our Primary Seven have started their Forest School Programme, even though it was a damp day they had made a great start using the school grounds first, they then ventured into the wood to see which part they would use over the coming weeks. Our new concealed access to the woods allowed them a short time to get to know this local environment. They were very eco aware during this session and didn’t leave any trail of their presence. On Friday of this week they will also be attending a Scottish Symphony Orchestra Concert in Glasgow City Halls as part of the Queen’s Baton Relay for the Commonwealth Games. We are very privileged to have been given tickets for this.

As you know all classes have had their photographs taken – these should be with you shortly and if you wish to buy please follow the instructions on the photographer’s leaflet.

Wednesday of this week’s is Flu Vaccination day – if you have returned the pro forma sent out by NHS Lanarkshire your child will receive this at some point during Wednesday.

You will have noticed that we have now raised our brand new Eco Flag. This is the fifth flag we have achieved and we are very proud of everybody in school who has worked so hard to retain this. Special mention must go to Mrs Duffy and Mrs Neilly who have coordinated all of this – our children spoke with Mr McGhee Quality Improvement Officer for all aspects of Science Education last Tuesday and we was very impressed by the submission to Eco Schools Scotland!

Please remember that we finish on Friday at 3:00 and reopen on 21st October at 9:00.

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