Another busy week here in St. Aidan’s. The nominations for our Parent Council closed at 3:00 pm on Friday and we are delighted that we now have 19 new members. The first meeting of our new Parent Council body will be on Tuesday October 1st at 7:00pm.
Our curriculum information evening was extremely well attended and we are very grateful for the positive feedback we received from everyone. Thank you to all who came along to find out about the curriculum this year. Our workshops were a great success.
Well done to Jay Hamilton who won a skateboard in our recent Pirate Themed lunch on Thursday. All classes have, as usual been very busy in school this week.
Primary Seven recently represented our school at the annual Diocesan Mass in Carfin Grotto and their behaviour was outstanding. Well done boys and girls I know we are going to have a fantastic year with you as you are such a responsible group. We are all very proud of you.
Our Primary One have been very busy – already they are beginning to write in sentences – fantastic work we can hardly believe that they have only been with us for such a short time.
We are delighted that already our pupils in the infant department can say a greeting and their name in French – tres bien fait!
Primary Four pupils paid a visit to St. Aidan’s Church with Mrs Donnelly to have a look at the altar as they have been learning about Mass in class and Primary Five have created a fantastic San Francisco earthquake as part of their Natural Disasters topic. Please look out for this at Parents’ Night.
Primary Six/Seven are very busy preparing for our first assembly of this year I know that Mr McKenna has a great assembly planned and as usual the boys and girls will deliver this with great confidence.
We have recently issued the letters for your parent appointment on 10th October. Please remember to return your letter to your child’s teacher
Finally we have Mr John Wilson coming into school this Thursday to take class photographs. Only pupils in Primary One will have an individual photograph as the rest of the school had this done last year and we try to keep costs down by having these every other year. If you wish to buy the photographs Mr Wilson will provide details for you.

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