Thursday so soon?

P7 have enjoyed their last full day of activities. The weather stayed dry all day and the children made the most of it. From skiing on the dry ski slope to gorge walking in a snowy landscape, lots of fun was had by all. Safari Instructor Derek gave the ‘Address to the Haggis’ for the Scottish-themed dinner. The tables were laid out with Scottish delicacies like Irn Bru and tablet. The ‘haggis dogs’ seemed popular – will they catch on at Golfhill? Thursday night is also Disco Night. Lots of hair-drying, nail varnish and make-up will be the order of the day. No doubt the girls will spend time getting ready as well!! Home tomorrow – is it all nearly over already? Have we been missed? Kilbowie has worked its magic for another year. Many thanks as usual to the wonderful staff at Kilbowie including the phenomenal Instructors. These people look after the children and have incredible enthusiasm and energy. Every child will have their own memories to take with them for the rest of their lives. Be prepared to hear all about it!!

Another great day for the P7 class at Kilbowie. Sunshine and LOTS of it. In the morning all of the Golfhill groups were orienteering in Sutherland Grove. This was a rare treat and the view from the loch at the top of the forest offered fantastic views of distant snow-capped peaks. The weather in the afternoon was particularly breathtaking, glorious sunshine with an amazingly spectacular sunset. One group spent the afternoon kayaking and canoeing whilst the others enjoyed the always entertaining safari experience. Not to be missed! Home is a distant memory – will we decide to stay another week? Tomorrows dinner with its ‘Scottish’ theme is a talking point. What exactly IS a ‘Haggis Dog’ ? Answers on a postcard please.

P7 at Kilbowie

P7 are having a great time at Kilbowie. There was light rain in the morning with a sunny afternoon. Everyone is enjoying the activities, trying out things and working as part of a team. The food is good and some children have surprised themselves with trying things they might not have tried at home. This evenings activity is the night-line and the children are looking forward to it. No one seems to be missing home!!

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