Category Archives: Tier 3

Jim Bettley – Bellshill Academy

In Tier 3 training I imagine I will be looking for support to further develop PE department Glow group, start to introduce e-portfolios and introducing a Glow group specifically looking at all aspects of Behaviour Support.

As part of the schools Tutor Group development group I would like to investigate further using glow to publish resources for staff and pupils and monitor it’s success.

Melanie Scott St Andrew’s HS


Looking forward to you coming out for Tier 3. I like your idea for having a seperate Glow group for English lit texts that many staff use on a regular basis such as “Macbeth” or “To Kill A Mockingbird”. I think this would be of real benefit, both to staff and pupils. How to include audio clips / video clips would also be really useful as part of the CFE listening “E”s and “O”s