Category Archives: Project Updates

Tier 2 Training

Thurs 10th and Mon 21st Feb Thurs 17th and Tues 22nd Feb Fri 18th and Sat 26th Feb Sat 19th Feb and Wednesday 2nd March

School Project co-ordinators have been signing their staff up to take part in training on the dates above. The first 2 groups of dates have proved the most popular so far.

We’re in the process of putting together the content for the repeated 2 day sessions and this will appear on this blog when it’s completed and agreed by both the Glow Team and the Central Team in North Lanarkshire.

I look forward to meeting you all at one of the training sessions.

Tier 1 – Strategy Sessions

Through a mixture of the original 2 day strategic meeting on 15th and 16th December, the local re-run version of this event on 17th Jan and with one school being visited separately, we have now completed the Tier 1 planning sessions for the North Lanarkshire schools.

These events have gone well with SMT from schools fired up and ready to go in terms of taking advantage of the Glow Project Programme on offer.

Unfortunately, due to school commitments Caldervale and St Ambrose have had to drop out of the project at this time. This leaves the schools involved in the project as:

Bellshill Academy Brannock

High School


High School


High School


High School

Drumpark School Greenfaulds

High School

St Aidan’s

High School

St Andrew’s

High School

St Margaret’s

High School

Almost every 1 of the remaining 10 schools has handed in their School Improvement Plans, their Tier 1 School and Staff Planning Forms and requested dates for Tier 2 Training. To remind people I will list these dates in a separate post.

It’s great to see the project widening out from the original SMT members with school staff names being put forward for the Tier 2 Training.