Kirsty O’Brien – Brannock High School

I would like to see examples of how blogging is used in various ways:

  • Primary/Secondary transition
  • Recording pupil achievements
  • Record of work for their subjects
  • Displaying their work

At this introductory stage of ‘blogging’ I invisage this as being much easier for pupils to create a CV at the end of their school career.

As a teacher this seems to be a more efficient way of creating pupil profiles.

Jim Bettley – Bellshill Academy

In Tier 3 training I imagine I will be looking for support to further develop PE department Glow group, start to introduce e-portfolios and introducing a Glow group specifically looking at all aspects of Behaviour Support.

As part of the schools Tutor Group development group I would like to investigate further using glow to publish resources for staff and pupils and monitor it’s success.