2nd Day 1 Session of Tier 2 Training – Thurs 17th Feb

Another great training session was held at St Barbara’s Primary School Annexe in Muirhead on Thursday 17th February. This was Day 1 for the people taking the sessions 17th and 22nd Feb. The session looked mostly at using Glow Groups for Virtual Campus and Transition Projects but also had a quick look at Glow wikis.

14 staff attended from across the following schools:

  • Bellshill Academy
  • Brannock HS
  • Chryston HS
  • Greenfaulds HS
  • St Aidan’s HS
  • St Andrew’s HS
  • St Margaret’s HS

The participants had varying levels of familiarity with Glow from people who had only logged in before and classed themselves as non-users to those who are regularly using Glow for learning and teaching. However, all seemed to enjoy the training session. It was difficult at one point to get people to stop for lunch!

Some quotes from the evaluations will give you an idea of the experience for the participants:

 I would like more help with uploading videos, creating discussions for particular classes, class tutorials via video links. I Would like to see how pupils can submit their work and how this can be monitored.

I felt that all the training was very useful . There was a good balance of discussion and hands-on . It was very helpful to have immediate access to help whan problems arose . The training has definately improved my confidence in using glow.

I certainly see much more use in Glow now that I have uploaded resources for pupils. I see it as a very useful tool for certificated classes but I will need to spend some time adapting it for S1-S2.

Here are some of the things participants are looking forward to doing using Glow:

Glow page for all of S1 and S2 to access resouces and homework. Learning Intentions for my own classes. Advanced Higher Graphic Communication resouces for self study.

Initially I would like to set up glow groups for each course within my my department and eventually to move towards a Virtual campus if possible.