Tier 3 support – call for information and dates

Tier 3 support planning has begun. There is a new page in the Glow Group calling for SMT and Main School Contacts for the project to post responses to a survey.


Tier 3 of the project is designed to be ongoing support delivered within schools by the national team/North Lanarkshire central team.The support involved needs to be specific to what would be most beneficial to each school involved. For example, individual teachers who have come along to Tier 2 training sessions may have individual projects they require support with.

It also needs to bear in mind that strategically in North Lanarkshire SMT from schools decided to focus on:



  • Virtual Campus style projects (Glow Groups set up to support pupil work outside of the classroom).
  • Transition Projects
  • Using Glow blogs for e-portfolios


You may want to have us help you work with pupils and also perhaps your primary colleagues. The follwoing document may prove useful in thinking about which projects you would like us to concentrate on as part of the support plan. 

TSupp- School Menu_GC602 

If it would help I am more than happy to come out and speak to schools to help them formulate plans and dates. 



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