4 thoughts on “S5 Personal Reading


    The book I am reading is THE ENEMY writtem by Charlie Higson. The story is about children under fourteen who have to survive in a world were all Grown-up are zombies and a group of children begin a journey across London to the city – down alleyways but can they make it there – alive. I have been enjoying the book so far and can’t what to see what happens next.


    I am reading The Illustrated Mum by Jaqueline Wilson. The story is about the relationship between a young girl called Star and her unusual and unpredictable mum called Marigold.


    I am reading a novel called Bloodchild by Tim Bowler. This story is about a young boy called Will who was in a coma and he can see things that noone eles can see and noone believes him and he sees this girl but doesn’t know who she is. I am overwhelmed by the book so far and it is one of those books you can’t put down. I can’t wait to find out what happens in the end. I will enjoy reading it over my Christmas holidays.


    I have recently read the novel ‘The Quick Second Life of Bree Tranner’ by Stephanie Myers. The novel is about a girl called Bree who has recently been turned in to a Vampire and who has been made to fight with an Army of NewBorns (New Vampires) but ony Bree and her new friend know what is really happening. I think that the novel is very exiting and it has lots of twists and turns about the Characters. I like how the writer has used lots if descriptive words to make the image in your mind.

    I would give the novel 7/10.

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