Freedom Writers – Media Unit

‘Based on actual diary accounts of several teenagers following the LA gang riots, FREEDOM WRITERS is the story of a young first-time teacher who inspires her class of at-risk students to learn tolerance, apply themselves, and pursue education beyond high school.’
The class will study plot and characterisation but also look at how director Richard LaGravenese uses cinematographic techniques such as: sound and music, lighting and colour, camerawork and mis-en-scene to create this powerful film.

4 thoughts on “Freedom Writers – Media Unit

  1. Hey, i’m really enjoying this topic!
    looking forward too be doing more on this, as we have only started it.


  2. Hi Laura! It’s great that you’re enjoying Freedom Writers. I’m looking forward to watching the rest of it with you all tomorrow! And well done on being the first 3rd year pupil to comment on our blog! 🙂

  3. Hey, I’ve really enjoyed my time with Miss Donoghue it has been great. We have covered all different topics that I have really enjoyed especially Titanic, it was so fun learning about all the different things that happened on the ship and I found out thats theres more to just a sinking ship! Another thing I really enjoyed was freedom writers. Especially doing the line game! It was so interesting learning about the things that happened to people that you don’t know and to know that you’re not alone! Jodie and Laura X

  4. Hi girls! What a great comment you’ve left. I’m delighted you enjoyed the topics we covered and gained something from them. It has been a pleasure teaching you both and I have you have a fun and relaxing holiday before you start the next (very important) year of school! Miss Donoughue

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