All posts by Mrs Johnston

Eco Committee Minutes 13th June 2013

Eco Committee Minutes
Rhys Smith
Holly Russell
Jack Forsythe
Taylar Paterson
Jordyn Graham
Adrian Baczmanski
1. We looked at the action plan and evaluated what we have done so far.
2. We decided to design an evidence book to show everyone what we are doing for each area.
3. Miss Binnie will apply to our Bronze award.

Eco Committee Minutes 27.5.13

Eco Committee Minutes
Rhys Smith
Holly Russell
Jack Forsythe
Meagyn Graham
Shannyn Graham
Taylar Paterson
Jordyn Graham
Adrian Baczmanski
1. We talked about the amount of litter still being found on the playground floor. We spoke to Mrs Paterson and asked her to remind all of the boys and girls not to drop litter at every Monday assembly.
2. We spoke about keeping up to date our litter chart – it is the responsibility of the boys and girls and not the teachers.
3. We started creating an evidence book so that all of the boys and girls in the school can see what we have been doing to get our Eco flag.
4. We decided that the evidence book should be either be kept at the front door or in the Parents Room so that all visitors to the school can read it.

Next meeting – 13th June 2013

Eco Committee Minutes 27.3.13

Eco Committee Minutes
Billi Arbuckle
Lewis Stevenson
Kyle Lynes
Adrian Baczmanski
1. Kyle Devine joined our Eco club as a new member.
2. Completed the organisation of Health and Eco week.
3. Completed Health and Eco week timetable.
4. Made up different games for the PE hall for all children to join into at different times throughout the week.
5. Discussed the use of the school garden as part of our Eco week – encouraging other people to visit the Eco garden.

Next meeting – 22nd May

Eco Meeting MInutes 27.2.13

Eco Committee Minutes
Megan Miller
Lewis Stevenson
Robbie Findlay
Adrian Baczmanski
1. We spoke about the different activities we can do for our Health and Eco week.
2. Miss Binnie told us about some of the people that have said they would come to our Health and Eco week like the Park Ranger and North Lanarkshires recycle Team.
3. We spoke about the food waste bins and decided that most people were using them properly.
4. We created charts to show how much food we are recycling.

Next meeting – 27.03.13

Eco/Health Week

Last week was our Eco/Health week. We had lots of visitors including Ian from Bags2School, The Dogs Trust, The Police, Firemen, A farm Speaker, Tony from NLC Waste Management and Tae Kwon Do.

We also carried out lots of fun activities in our classes and used lots of resources from the NHS to tell us about healthy eating, the consequences of smoking and what it would be like if we put on 3 stones!

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