Action Plan

Eco- Schools Action Plan                        Mossend Primary School

Action Who’s in charge? When will it be done by? (if ongoing, when did it start?) How can we monitor it? How will we know when we’re successful? How much will it cost? Did it work?

Any ideas for the future?

Elect new Eco Members P2-7 Miss Binnie/Mrs White Sept 2013
Complete Environmental review Eco Committee Sept 2013
Complete Acton Plan Eco Committee Sept 2013
Devise Litter Policy for the school Eco Committee/ Mrs White? Miss Binnie Oct 2013 Amount of litter will reduce No litter left in the playground
Continue to raise awareness of litter issues in the school Eco Committee On-going Amount of litter will reduce No litter left in the playground
Litter audit to be completed Eco Committee Oct 2013 A/A A/A
Litter survey to be carried out weekly. Eco Committee On-going A/A A/A
Litter survey results to be displayed on Eco wall Eco Committee On-going A/A A/A
Rewards and sanctions to be introduced to discourage litter Mrs Paterson/ Eco Committee Jan 2014 A/A
Action Who’s in charge? When will it be done by? (if ongoing, when did it start?) How can we monitor it? How will we know when we’re successful? How much will it cost? Did it work?

Any ideas for the future?

Waste Minimisation
All waste paper to be recycled All staff and children Ongoing Weight of recycling bags will decrease £10 for scales
Use compost bins in the garden Garden Gang Ongoing
Research possibility of getting solar panels Mrs Paterson, Mrs White June 2014 School will have solar panels
New windows in school NLC

Mrs Paterson, Parent Council

June 2014 School will have new windows
Remind children and staff to always turn off taps Eco Committee/whole school Ongoing
Buy and install Water Hippos Miss Binnie Dec 2013 Audit of how many toilets have Water Hippos and how many don’t Water usage will decrease Cost of Water Hippos
Water to be collected to water plants Garden Gang Jan 2014 Watering cans will not be filled with water from the taps Cost of Water Butt £10
Encourage children to take part in Walk to School Week Eco Committee and JRSO Ongoing Survey of how many children walked before Walk to School Week and after More children will walk to school
Devise School Travel Plan Mrs White/ Eco Committee May 2014 Children and parents will know safe routes to travel to school More children will walk to school
Health and Well- Being
Continue to offer a wide range of sports and extra curricular clubs Staff, Active Schools Co-ordinator Ongoing
Devise effective anti-bullying policy Mrs White/ Mrs Paterson/ Eco Committee April 2014 Children will know exactly what to do if they are bullied
School Grounds
Develop a sensory garden in the garden area Garden gang, whole school April 2014 Children will have a sensory garden to use Children will be more aware of plants Cost of plants, pots etc
Develop school playground including things to climb and jump on. Whole school/ Mrs McKay June 2014 Children will have more to do in the playground Cost of equipment
Build a bug hotel Eco Committee March 2014
Sustaining Our World
Take Part in Rights Respecting School Award Miss Mullen On-going Children will adhere to Rights Respecting Schools Charter Complete Level 1 award
Reinstate Fair Trade status Fair Trade PLC On-going Children will understand what is meant by Fair trade Status will be reinstated
Set up link with another school in another country Global Citizen PLC On-going Children will be able to discuss environmental issues with children from other parts of the world.
Food and The Environment
Continue to monitor volume of food waste Eco Committee On-going Children will not throw away so much food. Amount of food waste will be reduced

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