Gardening Club Week 4

Rain, rain, go away.

Come again another day.      Not on a gardening club day!!!!!

The rain didn’t stop us from going out today to plant our shrubs that the Woodland Trust had sent us. Even though it was wet we did a great job and also planted some bulbs for spring.

033Mrs Gillan wasn’t taking any chances of getting wet 🙂

059 063 030

058 061 062 066 We’ve never seen such a big puddle on the pitch before!

Westerwood Logo Competition

Hope you are all coming up with good ideas for our design a logo competition.

The Green Team at the Westerwood Hotel will pick the winners and put the winning design onto their stationery.

They are also going to invite the finalists to join them for lunch at the hotel and give them a guided tour. Good luck with your designs. Remember to hand them to your class teacher by Friday 13th November.

Eco logo Competition