Welcome to the Eco Committee blog. On this page you will find the latest information about our eco activites and ways that you can help us with recycling.
Don’t forget to return your filled Rag Bag to the school on Tuesday 26th November.
Welcome to the Eco Committee blog. On this page you will find the latest information about our eco activites and ways that you can help us with recycling.
Don’t forget to return your filled Rag Bag to the school on Tuesday 26th November.
This looks great Mrs Stewart! I hope all the boys and girls remember to bring their Rag Bag back to school on Tuesday!
The eco committee is fun to be in 🙂
Thanks eco committee you have made a big and great change to our school
I love the raised beds for the flowers plants ect
Well done to all the Eco Committee for your hard work. I love your new raised flower beds which add colour to your playground with the pretty flowers growing in them. You’ve all work well together and your hard work is very noticeable around your school.
You also had a lovely stall at the “open morning” today and I was greeted very politely and professionally by Ruby, Oliver and Emma, and I’m now looking forward to the sunflower I bought….amongst other things, to grow!!!
Keep up the excellent work…from Ruby’s mum
The Eco committee is fun.