Eastfield Primary Nursery Class is part of a non-denominational, multicultural school, serving Balloch/Eastfield, the Craigmarloch area of Cumbernauld and the village of Croy.
The Nursery Class has places for 40 children in the morning and 30 in the afternoon. Our morning session is from 8.40am to 11.50am and the afternoon session is from 12.30pm to 3.40pm.
our drop off times are:
AM 8.40-8.50 and 9.05-9.15 drop off.
11.40-11.50 pick-up.
PM 12.30-12.40 drop off.
3.05-3.10 and 3.35-3.40 pick-up.
Our Address is: 23 Cairntoul Court, Eastfield, Cumbernauld, G68 9JR
Telephone Number: 01236 725501
Email Address: enquiries@eastfield.n-lanark.sch.uk
Our Care Inspectorate Reports