Category Archives: Science


Our new topic is ‘Minibeasts’.  We have been very busy in the garden looking for them, under rocks, in the soil and even under plant pots.  We have used checklists to find out the different kinds living in our garden, as well as looking at books to find out information about them.

Ice Investigation

As part of our winter topic, the children were involved in a science experiment.   This was carried out over three days and involved looking at changes in water left at room temperature, in the fridge and in the freezer.  The children were asked to predict and discuss results.  At the end of the investigation, the children were able to advise that the freezer was best for making ice.  Additionally, they were able to note that there was no change in the water left on the table and in the fridge.

Autumn Walk

On Friday, we went for an autumn walk in the surrounding area.  The children really enjoyed it and thankfully, the weather was fine.  We spotted lots of signs that autumn is here. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came along and made the walk possible.