We have been so busy in nursery this week, making spiders webs, moving like minibeasts in the gym hall, making symmetrical butterfly wings and even counting spiders legs!
We have been so busy in nursery this week, making spiders webs, moving like minibeasts in the gym hall, making symmetrical butterfly wings and even counting spiders legs!
Our current topic is ‘New Life’. This week, we have been learning all about baby animals. We looked at the life cycle of a butterfly, used shapes to make chicks, counted the eggs in the birds nests, as well as trying to make some spring themed yoga moves.
Yesterday, we had a fabulous time on our school trip. We had so much fun at the park, especially Miss Shepherd on those slides! The weather was fantastic and there was lots of interesting animals to look at too. Have a look.
This week, we have been thinking about the effects of winter on birds. We had a great time bird spotting in the playground and were able to locate many of the birds on the checklist. We put out birdfeeders to help the birds find food as the ground is too hard to find worms.
The caterpillars finally came out of their cocoons, not as caterpillars but as beautiful butterflies. We released them in the nursery garden, where they will hopefully start the life cycle all over again.
We have been continuing to learn about spring. We are eagerly awaiting the next stage in the caterpillar life cycle, with the caterpillars already in their cocoons! We have been learning about the different parts of a flower, counting petals and creating still life flower paintings. More planting in our new planters too.
Eastfield Primary School and Nursery Class are committed to building strong partnerships with parents/carers, learning partners and stakeholders. Communication with parents and carers includes website news and text messaging alerts, monthly and termly newsletters, information letters, curricular open afternoons/ evenings and informal workshop events. These curricular open afternoons/ evenings and informal workshop events provide parents/carers with an insight into the life and ethos of our school and nursery.
We hope that our school and nursery will play a large part in the life of the community and that members of the community will contribute to the life of the school. Visits from the police, fire and rescue services, dental services and school nurse are planned throughout the year and each play their part in developing the well being of our children.