We had a spooky and fun time in the nursery this week … from making witches hats, walking like zombies, carving pumpkins, counting spiders and then our Halloween Party!
What a “spook-tacluar” week! 🙂
This week Childsmile came to visit. The children learned all about why it is important to brush your teeth properly, what foods are bad for your teeth and how to brush your teeth correctly.
As you will see from the photos the children listened carefully to the Childsmile helper. They then watched to see how much tooth paste to put on their brush. Look at their beautiful smiles and sparkling teeth. All children will be encouraged each day to brush their teeth to ensure that this becomes a life long habit to safe guard their health and wellbeing.
On Friday 9th October we had a special visit from High 5. They help schools encourage children to eat a healthy diet and this links well to our new topic of Fruit & Vegetables.
Our children learnt about different fruits – they answered lots of different questions:-
What is the name of this fruit?
Where does it grow – on a tree or a bush?
Where in the world does it grow?
What does it feel like?
What does it taste like?
The children had great fun making their own Fruit Kebabs! What a great way to finish our first term! 🙂
Every fortnight the Library van visits Eastfield Primary. The nursery have a timetabled slot too and two groups from our morning session get to visit the van. It is great fun looking at all the books and the children get to choose new books for us to use for “story times” sessions, for our topic or just because they look interesting.
A huge thank you to an amazing dad who arranged for the Fire Brigade to visit the nursery today. We heard the sirens, went inside the engine cab and even got to hold the fire hose!! It was just fantastic! 🙂
Unfortunately the firemen were called out this afternoon to attend an emergency – they do have to do their proper job too but they have promised that they will come and visit us again very soon!
We took advantage of the good weather this week and got the bikes, tricycles and scooters out! The children had a great time and it is a good way to help them learn about travelling safely and good balance.
We were really impressed at how the children all took turns, shared and helped each other. Super teamwork – well done boys and girls! 🙂
The boys and girls have had a great time making a mini me. Our afternoon children helped to glue together boxes for a head and body. We had to use lots of tape – so to ensure that we could paint over it – we used recycled paper to completely cover the body. A great problem solving task which took a long time and lots of patience.
Our morning children took turns to paint our mini me. A number of girls volunteered first to paint and they decided that our “me” should have long blonde hair – just like Goldilocks – so she became a girl. There was lots of discussion about what colour of clothes she should wear. Orange, green and blue were chosen – very vibrant and purple shoes to finish off the look!
Doesn’t she look fabulous – she still needs a name! Any ideas!
We have been discussing our hands and feet and also using them to measure – how many steps along the beam or carpet. We have had great fun painting with our hands and some brave children even removed their socks and shoes and painted with their feet! (Sorry if anyone had blue paint under their toe nails!! … but now you will know why!)