Some photos from the last day, when we had great fun in the gym hall.
Some photos from the last day, when we had great fun in the gym hall.
On Thursday, we had our sports day in the gym hall. The children had great fun running, balancing and completing an obstacle race in their teams. Have a look.
The caterpillars finally came out of their cocoons, not as caterpillars but as beautiful butterflies. We released them in the nursery garden, where they will hopefully start the life cycle all over again.
Last Wednesday, we had a fantastic outing to Dinom8 in Chapelhall. The children had a ball. The ladies enjoyed themselves too!
We have been continuing to learn about spring. We are eagerly awaiting the next stage in the caterpillar life cycle, with the caterpillars already in their cocoons! We have been learning about the different parts of a flower, counting petals and creating still life flower paintings.  More planting in our new planters too.
Our pre-school children thoroughly enjoyed their recent visits to the school, where the made crowns and took part in playground games. Have a look.
We have been continuing to learn about spring. We used a rain gauge to record the amount of rainfall and used charts to display our findings. We also planted fruit bushes and gave the nursery garden a spring clean!
We had a really busy month in March. Our topic was the circus. The children had a great time learning about all the different roles and about caring for animals.  In addition to the circus, we learned about the celebration of Easter.  We paraded our Easter bonnets throughout the school. We had a visit from the Song and Dance Factory too. It was great fun.
On Fridays, we have been developing our football skills in the gym hall with a sports coach.  As well as developing our dribbling and control of the ball, we are working in pairs/teams and developing our listening skills. Have a look.
Over the past month, we have been learning about dinosaurs. We have read about them, painted with them, sorted them, measured them and even looked their skeletons. This topic has really interested the children.