We hope you all enjoyed the holidays. We are back in the swing of it at Eastfield Nursery and have been continuing with our winter topic. We had great fun playing in the snow.
After a busy month, we had great fun at our Christmas party. We enjoyed singing, dancing and playing party games. The children were delighted when a special visitor came, bearing gifts. All the staff wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
On Friday, after weeks of hard work, the time finally came to share our Nativity, “The Bossy King”, with our families and friends. I am sure you would all agree that it was a fantastic performance. Well done to all the boys and girls at Eastfield Nursery!
We have been learning about the Christmas story. We are practising our songs for our Nativity, as well as making lots of colourful artwork to decorate the nursery and the school hall.
We are going to be very busy over the next few weeks making Christmas items to sell at our Nativity on Friday, the 18th of December. So remember to bring along some change. Thanks.
Recently, we have been learning about growing things. We helped plant bulbs outside with Mrs Macindoe. We also planted cress seeds, which we are monitoring daily to observe growth. We know that seeds need air, water and light to grow.
Last week, we made vegetable soup, as some of you may have guessed due to the wonderful aromas in the nursery. The children had great fun preparing the vegetables, which were part boiled to make cutting easier. The soup was well received at snack.