Off to a great start!

Thank you for taking time to visit our nursery class blog –  we have had a wonderful start to our new session with lots of new faces joining our nursery!  A big thank you and welcome back  to all our wonderful preschool pupils who have been amazing in making sure that our new nursery children settle in quickly to the routines of our class.   I am delighted to report there have only been a few tears and it has been mainly the mums!


Here are some photos of our children busy learning and having fun during the first few days of our new school year!


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One thought on “Off to a great start!”

  1. Wonderful work children! Mrs Di Nardo is very proud of you all and amazed at how well you have all settled into nursery life. Well done to all our preschool children who have shown how responsible and caring they are to all our very children. 🙂

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