Yesterday, we held a workshop on the benefits of reading with children. The workshop also covered the Three Read Approach, which we have been using in the nursery to develop literacy skills. Thank you to all the parents who attended.
Yesterday, we held a workshop on the benefits of reading with children. The workshop also covered the Three Read Approach, which we have been using in the nursery to develop literacy skills. Thank you to all the parents who attended.
As part of our winter topic, we have been learning about warm clothes. Today, we used catalogues to cut out and sort winter and summer clothing. Have a look.
As part of our winter topic, the children were involved in a science experiment. This was carried out over three days and involved looking at changes in water left at room temperature, in the fridge and in the freezer. The children were asked to predict and discuss results. At the end of the investigation, the children were able to advise that the freezer was best for making ice. Additionally, they were able to note that there was no change in the water left on the table and in the fridge.