All about me – “Making a mini me”

The boys and girls have had a great time making a mini me.  Our afternoon children helped to glue together boxes for a head and body.  We had to use lots of tape – so to ensure that we could paint over it – we used recycled paper to completely cover the body.  A great problem solving task which took a long time and lots of patience.

Our morning children took turns to paint our mini me.  A number of girls volunteered first to paint and they decided that our “me” should have long blonde hair – just like Goldilocks – so she became a girl.  There was lots of discussion about what colour of clothes she should wear.  Orange, green and blue were chosen – very vibrant and purple shoes to finish off the look!

Doesn’t she look fabulous – she still needs a name!  Any ideas!

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All about me – “Hands and Feet”

We have been discussing our hands and feet and also using them to measure – how many steps along the beam or carpet.  We have had great fun painting with our hands and some brave children even removed their socks and shoes and painted with their feet!   (Sorry if anyone had blue paint under their toe nails!! … but now you will know why!)


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All about me – “People Drive”

Remember that game called “Beetle Drive” well in the nursery Miss Shepherd adapted it to “People Drive.”  Each body part required a different number on the die – it meant that the children not only discussed their body part names but also practised number recognition on the board and die!

The children played body part bingo too  – with some trickier words such as eyebrow or elbow.

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All about me – “Our body – Measure”

This week we have been talking about our body.  We can identify and name different parts of our body and everyone has drawn themselves for their profile folder.

We loved using the Smartboard to sort animals into big or small.  To make it  even more tricky we then sequenced them from small to big.

We had a great time painting life sized nursery children – one boy and one girl.  We will use these next week to help learn our friend’s names and sort them into boy or girl.  We will also use them for a height chart to find out who is the tallest and who is the smallest in the nursery.

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Our clothes shop

For our topic we have set up in the nursery a clothes shop so that children can role-play purchasing new items of clothing.   They have enjoyed admiring themselves in the mirror and have particularly loved trying on the wigs and hats as you will see from the photos below.

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Our Topic – All About Me

Our topic for September is “All About Me!”

This week we have focussed on our faces – discussing our eyes and hair – what colour are they?  Eyebrows, noses and nostrils – where are they on our face?  What are they for?

Mirrors have been used to look really closely at our own faces and we have discussed how we are all different and unique!

The children have had the opportunity to use lots of different media to draw themselves – from paints and crayons, to collage and paper plates and even the Smartboard.

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