Tag Archives: training

Gerry Durkin Training Events

Kirk O’Shotts Primary School was visited by storyteller,  Gerry Durkin on Monday 30 April who ran separate staff and parent workshops. Both workshops received positive feedback. Gerry gave a number of useful pointers for developing storytelling for children of all ages. A few of these will be listed below, underneath the following picture gallery:

Tips for storytelling:

  • storytelling is particularly beneficial for ‘hard to reach’ children and those that are visual learners
  • you may use books as a visual stimulus, but adapt the story or make up your own
  • children love to join in, so choose stories with lots of repetition
  • settle children into a storytelling session with a familiar song, rhyme or piece of music that they can join in with
  • be imaginative when choosing your storytelling environment, try to make it different from the norm if possible, i.e. outside, multi-purpose room, etc.
  • use different pace and noise level of stories to energise and then calm children down again
  • sourcing stories can be done via Google, going to hear another storyteller, your own experiences, adapting existing stories
  • bring in a social or behavioural aspect to your stories to provoke meaningful discussion at the end of the story
  • don’t over-use props as they may just distract from the story… allow pupils to use their imagination and create pictures and images in their minds
  • prepare your stories in advance so that you can tell them confidently to your children
  • relax and enjoy the experience