Category Archives: Events

Hopscotch Theatre Company in Lanarkshire Schools

Notifying schools about our next production, “David Livingstone & the African King” touring North & South Lanarkshire schools with support from Super County, if you would like to catch a performance in one of your schools.

ALSO – we just got word of funding from The Robertson Trust to subsidise further touring of”Pink! The Musical” to thirty North & South Lanarkshire schools”. This project has been initially funded by Creative Scotland to tour for 4wks across Scotland, then further 4 wks touring to Glasgow schools is supported by S.O.S (Sense Over Sectarianism).

 The funding from The Robertson Trust means schools and nurseries only pay £100.00 for a performance and a resource pack (see attached) which includes C.D and music. The production is suitable for an audience of 200 x 4 – 8yr olds

Pink! – The Resources 6

Please find information regarding Hopscotch’s upcoming performances that can be toured to community centres, arts venues or schools!  We have 25 years experience of touring quality, educational productions for young people full of humour and original song!   

Day and Evening slots available – weekday or weekend! Hamish’s Healthy Nutrition Mission!  Full of humour and song, join unhealthy Hamish on a thrilling inner body adventure as he discovers how important healthy eating is for a fit, ready-for-fun life!Suitable for ages 5 to 1Cost: £395.00 (plus touring costs where applicable)Duration: 55 minutesDates available in May and June 2013. 

 David Livingstone and the African KingFrom Blantyre to deepest Africa… a fun, thrilling dramatisation of Livingstone’s life and work performed in the round and filled with original sing-a-long songs.Suitable for all agesCost: £250.00Duration: 55 minutes Available on the following dates:

 Monday 18th PM

 Tuesday 19th AM

 Thursday 21st AM or PM

 Friday 22nd AM or PM

 Day and Evening slots available – weekday or weekend!

  Pink! the Musical Funded by Creative Scotland / National Lottery 

 A performance that promotes acceptance and tolerance of all the differences we have!  When Patrick the penguin wakes up pink, he feels blue and embarks on a journey across the globe and discovers that he is accepted, no matter what colour he is!

 Suitable for ages 4 – 8

 Cost: £250.00

 Duration: 40 minutes

 Weekends and evenings available from March to May!


 Cinderella The traditional tale of Cinders and her not-so-nice sisters with a Hopscotch twist!  

 Suitable for ages 5 +

 Cost: £650.00 (plus touring costs where applicable)

Duration: 55 minutes

 Dates available in November & December! 

 Day and Evening slots available – weekday or weekend!

  Dick Whittington and his Amazing Cat!

 Hopscotch’s take on the exciting tale of Richard and his canny cat Bingo!

 Suitable for ages 5 +

 Cost: £650.00 (plus touring costs where applicable)

 Duration: 55 minutes

 Dates available in December!

 Day and Evening slots available – weekday or weekend!

 Set up time of 1 hour, get out time of just 30 minutes!  

 No pushy sales or obligation!  

 Just email or give us a call for more information and / or to book!


“ My Learning is enhanced and enriched through partnership with a professional arts company”. 

  Check us out on Facebook!

Follow us on Twitter! @ HopscotchTiE

DRAMA WORKSHOPSAvailable throughout term.  90 mins -2 Hopscotch drama workers – 2 classes (66 pupils) – fulfilling the 4 capacities of CfE“ I have experienced the energy & excitement of performing and of being part of an audience”.Eco / Scotland During The Blitz / Anti Bullying / Fair Trade / Burns an’ a’ That Workshops“ Nurtures my creative and aesthetic talents”  

‘TAM O’SHANTER’ (PERFORMANCE)  Touring January to March 2013.  Running Time 40 minutes (plus 10-15 min Q+A session).  

Suitable for P4 to adult

 Our popular, dynamic dramatisation returns for another year.

 ‘PINK! The Musical’ (PERFORMANCE) Touring March to May 2013.  Running time 40 minutes.  Suitable for 4 – 8 year olds.   

 Patrick the penguin wakes up one day to discover he has turned bright pink!  Join him 

 as he discovers the meaning of acceptance, diversity and being true to yourself! 

 ‘DAVID LIVINGSTONE & THE AFRICAN KING’ (PERFORMANCE)  Touring February to March 2013.  Running time 55 minutes.  Suitable for P1- P7 (& nursery).   

 The thrilling story of this famous Scottish figure from humble beginnings in Victorian Blantyre 

 to his celebrated work as missionary in the heart of Africa.


Touring May – June 2013.  Running Time 55 minutes.  Suitable for P1 – P7.

 Join unhealthy Hamish as he goes on an exciting inner body adventure to discover how

 important good nutrition is to help have a full & fun life!

 Please contact Hopscotch Theatre Company for further details on or 0141 440 2025

January update – news of courses and events

Using Shakespeare to Engage Boys -Globe Theatre

Friday 22 February 2013 at 17:00

Throughout the short course teachers will be supported by Shakespeare’s Globe’s educational specialist who has developed dynamic learning approaches to exploring Shakepeare’s plays with boys.

Their approach to supporting teachers will in turn aid secondary pupils to better understand characterization, themes and language.

Shakespeare’s Globe use a variety of techniques to explore and experiment with text; from the actor’s viewpoint and from the director’s, differing interpretations of the same play and interactive tasks to bring the text to life.

A short but specific focus of the day will be on Romeo and Juliet.
This opportunity is available in: Glasgow City
For further information, please contact (Short Courses), or call 0141 270 8213, or visit The deadline is Friday 22 February 2013 at 17:00.

Creative Leadership Symposium – How do we embed creativity into the core curriculum?

Thurs 21st Feb

The Arches
Free but ticketed – call 0141 565 1000 to reserve a place

How do we embed creativity into the core curriculum? How can we be responsive to the individual needs of students and learners? What is classroom inertia and how does creative practice offer a way of reimaging how a curriculum is offered?

Is it possible for artists, creative educators and teachers to work collaboratively to offer a more radical pedagogy measured by more than subject achievement? Who might lead this and does it work? Is it effective? What are the benefits of this approach? How might this impact on future pedagogical approaches?

For the culmination of their creative leadership project 100 Little Pennies, run by Gary Gardiner at Oakgrove Primary School in Glasgow, The Arches are hosting a symposium event, followed by drinks, nibbles and an opportunity to network.

Introduced by Dee Heddon (University of Glasgow), contributors include Gary Gardiner and Murray Wason (Royal Conservatoire of Scotland), David Cameron (Director of The Real David Cameron LTD), Helen Nicholson (Professor of Drama and Theatre at Royal Holloway) and Lesley Dunlop (Education Consultant).

David Cameron on Creativity and Education

GTCS has published an article on creativity by Educationalist David Cameron, Director, The Read David Cameron Ltd. It is an expanded version of his TEDx presentation from Buenos Aires and acknowledges some of our achievements in Scotland from 2012. 

GTCS article:

TEDx talk video on Creativity Portal:,videos

Partnership Grants Scheme for Primary and Secondary Schools (UK)

The Royal Society has announced that its Partnership Grants programme has re-opend for applications.  

Through the programme, grants of between £250 and £3,000 are available to support teachers, scientists and engineers help develop science projects. The aim is to make the teaching of science more interesting within primary and secondary schools. Any UK primary or secondary school teacher or practising scientist/engineer can apply as long as the students involved in the project are between 5 and 18.  Since 2000, the scheme has awarded over £1.1 million to 660 schools. 

Examples of previously funded projects include: 

  • Netheard High School, Dereham (Norfolk) which received a grant of £2,488 for the whole school to explore the solar system at first hand. 

    ·         Alfred Sutton Primary School in Reading which received a grant of £953 to study the incubation, hatching and development of young bantam chicks.  

    The deadline for applications will be the 22nd February 2013.

    Grants for School Trips (UK)The Eridge Trust, which is a charitable trust whose purpose is to encourage young people to enjoy and appreciate visual art, especially painting, has announced that the next deadline for its grant making programme is the 31st May 2013.  

    The Trust makes grants of up to £2,000 to schools, colleges and others for school trips to museums, galleries and centres of art at home and abroad. Grants are also made to UK museums and galleries for projects aimed at young people. Trips must be for students in schools or sixth form colleges in the maintained sector. In the past, the Trust has supported many different kinds of trips, mainly organised by individual schools, but also by groups of schools, education authorities and others. They have included day trips to local galleries, trips of a few days to major UK cities and trips of up to a week or more to European cities and regions. In addition, the Trust have given grants to museums to support school visits and to encourage university students to enjoy and make use of their local museum.

    Tesco Charity Community Awards (UK)

    The Tesco Charity Community Awards for grants for children’s welfare and/or children’s educations (including special needs schools) is now open for applications. 

    Through the Awards, one-off donations of between £500 and £4,000 are available to local projects that support children and their education and welfare. 

    Previous projects supported have included: 

    • Sensory garden or room projects
    • Outdoor classrooms
    • Breakfast and after school clubs
    • Holiday play-schemes
    • Part funding to purchase minibuses. 

    The closing date for applications will be the 31st January 2013. The Tesco Charity Trust has been in existence since 1987 and aims to provide approximately £600,000 in grants each year. In addition the Trust also provides grants to groups working with and supporting elderly people and/or adults and children with disabilities. 

    This funding stream is due to re-open for applications on the 1st February 2013 with an application deadline of the 31st March 2013. The Tesco Charity Trust Trustees also consider grant applications at their tri-annual meetings. These grants range between £4,000 and £25,000 and are to support local, national or international projects in areas where Tesco operate. 

    Legacy 2014 Active Places Fund Opens for Applications (Scotland)

    The Scottish Government has announced that its new £10 million Legacy 2014 Active Places Fund is now open for applications.  

    The fund is part of the Scottish Government’s Commonwealth Games Legacy 2014 programme, will give communities across Scotland more and better places to be active.  Grants between £10,000 and £100,000 are available to help build or upgrade local facilities such as new bike or skate parks, outdoor adventure facilities, walking routes, or new projects within schools.  The fund is open to a wide range of not for profit organisations and educational establishments such as schools and colleges.  

    The fund is open until 2015 and the closing date for the first round of applications is the 1st February 2013. 


Scottish Mask and Puppet Centre News

Our exciting new season of Puppets, Shows, Workshops and Birthday Parties at the Scottish Mask And Puppet Centre starts this Sat 19 Jan / Sun 20 Jan 2.00pm with the Paper Bag Princess by Pavla’s Puppets and ends with the Amazing Mr Noah by Professor Popup’s Puppets on Sat 1 Jun / Sun 2 Jun 2.00pm.

Look out for the amazing small space show Toowittoowoo by Sokobauno & Grinagog Theatre in a 1960’s Cheltenham Fawn Caravan, which seats just 15 children and adults on Sun 10 Mar 11.00 – 4.00pm on the hour along with refreshments and home-baking! Why not pop over after a Sunday walk in the Botanic Gardens, just along the road from us.

Don’t miss our events for this year’s Glasgow International Comedy Festival between Sat 16 – Sun 24 Mar- Laughology Workshop , Big Magic Wand, Funny Puppets Workshop, Magical Mayhem and Jango’s Jolly Show.

We have two Easter holiday workshop days on Thurs 4 and Fri 5 Apr. Do you know what a Croc ‘O’ Dragon is? Look out for our next newsletter with details of our proposed exciting new theatre space on site here at SMPC. In the interim we would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year from SMPC and we hope to see you soon at the Puppet Centre.


Let’s Dance Festival at MacRobert Arts Centre, Stirling

Let’s Dance Festival 2013:  20 -23 March

Get your dancing shoes on for macrobert’s second annual Let’s Dance Festival!

There are plenty of opportunities for schools to get involved with our Let’s Dance Festival through seeing shows and taking part in participatory productions and workshops. Highlights of shows include:

enso by LaNua – WED 20 MAR

Out Of His Skin – by 2Faced Dance Co. WED 20 MAR

Rapunzel – by balletLORENT – FRI 22 MAR

Innocence – by Scottish Dance Theatre – SAT 23 MAR

Community Dance ShowcaseSAT 23 MAR

Further information on all Let’s Dance shows.

To book, please contact Box Office on 01786 466666, or email

December update

Opening up the Future of Education in Scotland: Toolkit for Creative Planning –

Education Scotland has launched a new strategic thinking kit, Promoting Innovative Practice and Transformative Change (PIPTC), to promote the visioning and planning needed for change as educational establishments and services address the challenges and priorities of today’s evolving education system. Read more and watch videos of how local authorities are using the toolkit at the link above. 

Glasgow 2014 Cultural Programme Open Fund –

A fund of £4 million is available and individual artists, community-led groups and arts organisations are invited to apply for awards ranging from £20,000 up to £300,000. This fund is a major component in the development of the nationwide Glasgow 2014 Cultural Programme and aims to enhance the Games experience for Scotland’s communities, spectators and visitors, promoting the best of Scotland’s culture alongside that of the Commonwealth.

Cineschool festival 2013

Cineschool ‘Directions’, Film Education’s  European Film Festival for schools, will take place from mid February until the end of March 2013.
There will be free screenings taking place UK-wide supported by online resources, as well as many in-cinema introductions and masterclasses.

Deepening the Practice

Wednesdays 6-8.30pm beginning 16th January 

Scottish Storytelling Centre, 43-45 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1SR

A series of six twilight sessions aimed at experienced storytellers or those who have completed Starting with Stories 1 and 2, this course offers in-depth training in developing your own style of telling, crafting and selecting stories. Led by storyteller Ruth Kirkpatrick, whose extensive experience ranges from intimate community settings to the international stage, this course will offer practical insights, reflection, feedback and a chance to hone your storytelling expertise. For more information contact Gica Loening on or 0131 652 3272.  

Also from the Scottish Storytelling Centre :

Burns in Song – A Feast of Singing!
(Crafting Your Skills)

Fri 18 Jan, 2-5pm

The songs of Robert Burns continue to inspire singing of all kinds, auld and new. In the week before the bard’s birthday, access a wealth of songs and resources, learn some optional harmonies, and unpick the lingo! A creative and celebratory day, packed with useful material for song groups and classes, led by Christine Kydd, one of Scotland’s foremost singers, whose North East roots link to the Burns family tree.

£12/£10 (Network members)

General bookings: 0131 556 9579

Chantin’, Dancin’, Clappin’, and Tellin’: Accessible Routes into Music, Movement and Storymaking
(Crafting Your Skills)
Sat 2 Feb, 10.30am-4.30pm
A holistic and dynamic day offering practical and creative insights and strategies into music, voice, rhythm and story making for all ages. Pete Baynes (musician and animateur) and Allison Galbraith (storyteller) will share accessible techniques for tapping into our musicality, creativity and imagination, using step by step building blocks that can be used in all kinds of group settings. No experience in music or storytelling needed. Come prepared for serious fun!
£36/£30 (Network members)

General bookings: 0131 556 9579

Launch of the Scottish Education Awards

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 04:29 AM PST

The Scottish Education Awards were launched on Monday 3 December by Michael Russell, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning.  The awards celebrate the hard work and success in Scottish education.  They recognise the achievements of people who dedicate their lives to children and young people and showcase the valuable work and innovation in learning environments across Scotland.

Nominations for the 2013 awards can be submitted from now until 22 February 2013.  Please circulate and share this information with your networks.  For more information visit the Scottish Education Awards website.

two categories cover the development of creativity skills – the Enterprise and Employability Learning Awards for Primary and Secondary,

Gerry Durkin Training Events

Kirk O’Shotts Primary School was visited by storyteller,  Gerry Durkin on Monday 30 April who ran separate staff and parent workshops. Both workshops received positive feedback. Gerry gave a number of useful pointers for developing storytelling for children of all ages. A few of these will be listed below, underneath the following picture gallery:

Tips for storytelling:

  • storytelling is particularly beneficial for ‘hard to reach’ children and those that are visual learners
  • you may use books as a visual stimulus, but adapt the story or make up your own
  • children love to join in, so choose stories with lots of repetition
  • settle children into a storytelling session with a familiar song, rhyme or piece of music that they can join in with
  • be imaginative when choosing your storytelling environment, try to make it different from the norm if possible, i.e. outside, multi-purpose room, etc.
  • use different pace and noise level of stories to energise and then calm children down again
  • sourcing stories can be done via Google, going to hear another storyteller, your own experiences, adapting existing stories
  • bring in a social or behavioural aspect to your stories to provoke meaningful discussion at the end of the story
  • don’t over-use props as they may just distract from the story… allow pupils to use their imagination and create pictures and images in their minds
  • prepare your stories in advance so that you can tell them confidently to your children
  • relax and enjoy the experience