“The Fizzy Pop Fairies meet The Milk Fairies”


“The Fizzy Pop Fairies meet The Milk Fairies”

“An innovative and imaginative introduction to Health and Wellbeing”

With Health and Well being/Dental Health at the core of this project, Linda McCann has cleverly combined repetitive Rhyme, a Sing-along song, Stunning illustrations, Mesmerising Magic tricks with the Creative arts, to produce a captivating story/show for children from pre-school up to Primary 4.

 Fictional Tooth Fairies lead children on a voyage of discovery, where “magic stones” release healthy secrets,  where “magic milk disappears into thin air, where all things sweet and sickly, go into a magic bag and disappear quickly!  Linda’s inventive ideas and interactive approach, stimulates children to think about their own Health and Wellbeing/Dental Health, and actively encourages them to make healthier Food and Drink Choices.

“The Fizzy Pop Fairies” offers Schools/Communities an exciting way to kick start Health and Wellbeing programmes/projects and is an excellent tool for promoting existing School and Community initiatives: the 5 a day programme, subsidised school milk,  healthy tuck shops, growing your own fruit and vegetables, healthy school meals.   It re-inforces the work of the oral health visitors, promoting the existing tooth brushing scheme, free dental packs and the fluoride varnishing scheme.  Additionally, the inclusion of a 3D Puppet making workshop, enables children to explore and express what they have learnt in an imaginative and creative way, whilst providing the children with excellent tools to link up to other Curricular subjects through imaginative play/theatre performance, recording information by camera/video, or story creation, both within the classroom or further afield, through Glow Intranet. .  

 “ An excellent and very imaginative approach to healthy eating….. promoting dental care in an exciting and child centred way……. excellent”  Miss G. Lendrum/ Campie Primary Nursery

 “ The kids were talking about it for days.  Staff thought it was one of those very special experiences for children!”  Mrs. R Dickson Ullapool Primary School

 “ It was excellent, even better than I anticipated”  Dave Rex, Specialist Dietician for Health Promoting Schools, NHS Highlands

 For further information Please go to: www.fizzypopfairies.com  or to see the Fizzy Pops in action, please go to:   http://bit.ly/FizzyPopFairies

Canndhu Productions

e-mail: info@canndhu.com


Tel: 01875 853 801

Mob: 07891 688361

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