Tag Archives: psudecode

ADITDEM lesson!

We began the lesson discussing our coursework. We went over ADITEM.

is the understanding of the problem, which the systems analyst would perform. The systems analyst would use their techniques to gain information and produce a problem specification of basically what the customer wants the program to do.

The design in ADITDEM is a plan of the program will do. Two types of design are pseducode and structured diagrams. These designs involve steps taken to make the program. This makes it smaller and easier to understand.

To help us understand the concept of design we were given a task. We were given two pieces of paper, with which on one we had to make a shape/diagram e.g. paper aeroplane or oragami and on the other we had to write our steps taken to make this shape/diagram. We than were given a final piece of paper and swapped our steps with someone else. Each of us had then to use that person’s steps and make their shape. This task proved very difficult as hardly anyone’s shape was the same as the right one. This task told us that in design our pseducode and structured diagram had to be very detailed to work. We decided we need a way to help us design. Rules!
Our pseducode had to make rules. In our coursework the design stage is worth 6 marks. Our design must be understood by anyone to pass. It is worth looking over.

We use visual basic in class for implementation, however, there are a lot more. There are various, different languages and different sources.


  • exceptional – values not expected, defensive program, assume the programmers don’t understand e.g. always check and verif
  • extreme – allowed but at limits, right on limit,  sensible data, e.g. you could enter the wrong PIN as long as it is in the rang
  • Normal – allowed e.g. enter a number between 1 and 5. The number 3 will be accepted.

A test table will check the limits of the program e.g.

yes                          quit                        quit
no                       don’t quit           don’t quit

The program works, however, we cannot be sure of errors.