Category Archives: Computing Higher


For the higher course you need to be able to explain these terms

  • Instrument
    • This is the instrument that is to be played, you will have seen these if you have ever used an electronic musical keyboard.
  • Pitch
    • This is the note that has to be played.
  • Volume
    • How loud the note has to be played.
  • Duration
    • How long the note has to be played for. In MIDI a start of note and end of note is used. Duration can also be how long it takes the sound to die away.
  • Tempo
    • How quickly the piece of music is to be played. This is expressed in BPM (Beats per minute)
Advantages of MIDI:
  • Smaller file size
  • All aspects of the music can be edited
  • Effects can be applied to individual instruments
  • There is no interference or background noise from the recording

Disadvantages of MIDI:

  • Dependent on soundcard for quality of sound
  • Does not contain vocals
  • Fewer effects can be applied to the sound

Advantages of MIDI:

  • Smaller file size
  • All aspects of the music can be edited
  • Effects can be applied to individual instruments
  • There is no interference or background noise from the recording

and here is the website we were playing with.

Work for 25th March

Using notes on the web either on the school’s site or scholars. Learn about the SVG file format, follow the tutorial in the notes/ Before creating a drawing of a house using notepad and the SVG file format. IrfanView can open SVG files so you can view and edit your work. You will ffind an empty SVG file in the pupil share
Finish off the monster image, video editing & image type powerpoints.
Extension task for Higher
Using think-pair-share look at the 2013 past paper (on blog) work your way through the multimedia section. Use the marking instructions on the SQA site to help you if needed.

Digital Audio Convertors DAC

I’m publishing this way back in September, I am having a guess at the date we will be covering this topic.

Description of features of sound cards, including:

  • role of DAC

The DAC converts a stream of digital bits into an analogue signal. This signal is then changed into a sound wave by an amplifier and speakers.

The human ear is a complicated thing and as I said in class your hearing is diminishing with age. So is there a difference between 16 and 24 bit? Well probability not for me but your young ears might find the difference quite noticeable.

Interlacing Bitmaps

Downloading large bitmap images from the Internet over a slow network connection can be frustrating, especially over a slow mobile connection. It might be that the image you are trying to view is not the correct one but you would have to wait for the full image to be displayed line by line before you are sure

However, with interlacing the image is downloaded by alternate lines. This results in a blurring then smoothing effect. Roughly the same amount of data is transmitted, just the order is changed.