Category Archives: Computing Higher

New 4k & 8k screens

OK so we are jumping the gun on this a little but I thought it merited a little post. I am writing this back in January (the day before your prelim) and I am guessing at where we will be today.

Screen resolutions for television have traditionally been described in terms of the vertical pixels, 576i, 720i, 720p, 1080p but the new standards are now describing them in the horizontal. So a 4K UHD (Ultra High Definition) screen has in the order of 4096 horizontal pixels this is twice the resolution of 1080p HDTV (High Definition TV).

Continue reading New 4k & 8k screens

Higher Computing Homework session – Tuesday 26th March at 7.30pm

Presented by: Ian King, SCHOLAR Online Tutor for Computing.
  • When:              Tuesday 26th March  7.30 – 8.30pm.
  • Theme:            Procedures, Functions and Parameters and Functions
  • Adobe Link (sign in as a guest):
There will be an opportunity for students to participate in a Q&A session at the end of the presentation.
It is imperative that students use the “chat” facility to ask questions related to the homework session ONLY.

Powerpoints for Tuesday’s revision

I thought I might share with you a powerpoint version of the files that will form the basis of Tuesday’s revision periods. To create these files I used the arrangement’s document. You can use these to create flash cards or just to jot down your thoughts in preparation for Tuesday.

On Tuesday the whole class are going to be given live on-line editing access to the original documents and each person will be given slides to work on. You will also be given another 2 slides to check once you have completed your slide. By the end of the double period we should have a completed and content checked presentation that we can use with the blog and by ourselves.