Category Archives: 1. Computer Systems

Description of the relationship between the number of bits assigned to the mantissa/exponent and the range and precision of floating point numbers

  1. When storing a 32-bit floating point number, 24 bits are allocated to the mantissa and 8 to the exponent. What is the effect on the precision and the range of the numbers available if the allocation is changed to a 16-bit exponent and a 16-bit mantissa? (2)
  2. In floating point notation what defines
    (i) the range
    (ii) the precision or accuracy
    of the numbers stored (1)

Star Network


  • Easy to extend the network.
  • A failure of one node will only affect that node (unless central node)
  • A channel failure will only affect the outer node on that channel.


  • The whole network depends on the proper functioning of the central node.
  • Cabling cost is high because each node has its own channel

Mesh Network


  • Data can be redirected when some channels are busy or failed.
  • Very robust network.
  • The failure of one node will only affect that node
  • Channel failure will have no effect as alternative channels are available


  • Extra cabling makes this an expensive
  • Complex cabling leads to higher maintenance of the network.

Ring Network


  • High data transfer (bandwidth)
  • Mechanism to bypass a failed node so a failure of one node will only affect that node


  • Difficult to designing and extending (complexity of the electronics)
  • A channel failure will disable the entire network
  • Can be expensive because of the complexity.

Client Server Vs Peer to Peer

Client – Server

  • All resources (printer, files and Internet) on the network are controlled by the server.
  • Centralised storage of data
  • Centralised storage of data means regular back-ups can be made from the server.
  • Security is set of easily using a server and client network.  Usernames and password are easily given along with access levels for users.
  • Used in businesses (banks) and organisations (schools, colleges, universities.)

Peer to Peer

  • No centralised storage.  Each workstation stores its data independently.
  • No centralised storage means no back up system.
  • Security is difficult because there is no mechanism for central access.
  • Best suited with a trusting environment.  Family home or small office.