No its not an advertisement for a travel website. It’s what a some of you will have left your studying to.

I have put together an excel spreadsheet that you can use to record and plan your revision for your exam which is in 48 days time.

To use this guide I would set aside 1 – 1.5 hours each day for computing and select a past paper. Using the unit focus for that day I would work through the past paper, doing only questions from that unit. The Diary sheet gives you a place to record which papers you have covered that day.Topics you found hard that require future study should be recorded before you go on to read over your notes.

I have included the arrangements for the units in the spreadsheet so you can use these to plan your study. Use traffic lights to highlight problem areas.

Record everything you do, this gives you a list of topics you still need to cover as well as evidence of study for your parents.

I hope by now you have been on quizlet and made the past paper answer books I told you to collaborate on.