Digital sources of information.

All of the class have been given a login and password for the following sites. I have verified that each pupil’s login details work within the class, they have all assured me they have tested these from home.

We have been using Glow within the class this year and I have uploaded all the course notes, past papers, past course works & revision materials to the various Glow areas. All pupils are encouraged to contribute to the Glow forum & blog for the subject. Scholar has its on discussion board which is staffed by Scholar approved teachers & lecturers. Materials and quizzes can also be found on the school’s website and a copy can be lifted directly from the school’s server using a flash drive.

This term has seen the introduction of Glow mail, the pupils can use this to send messages directly to my Glow inbox. Details are given within the Glow groups.

Hopefully the pupils will make full use of these digital resources; usage stats show a slow but steady uptake.

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