Motherwell RC

Please find below some useful links for children to use at home. Please note especially the link to online Masses #keepthefaith #solidarity #prayforeachother @rcmotherwell.

NLC School Closure

NorthLanCouncil  @nlcpeople· The Scottish Government has announced schools across the country to close from the end of the school day this Friday – we are working on contingency plans to be put in place to support our families and will announce these as soon as we can.

Office 365

ATTENTION ALL PARENTS: All children and staff can download Office 365 on up to 15 devices using their Glow Logins. This includes; PCs, tablets, laptops and phones (Apple or Android )

Rigour Maths Home Learning

Another great resource everyone Rigour Maths Want to improve your numeracy skills? Try this weeks #DailyRigour 195, your FREE numeracy newspaper. Download this and view examples of past editions on our webpage;…. #numeracy #parentalengagement  

Useful Websites

Here are some very useful websites and online educational activities your child can engage with if they are unwell and unable attend school or just for extra reinforcement of learning at home:- Sumdog: Study Ladder: BBC Bitesize: These sites allow you to select a specific level based on age, stage or ability. These sites also respond and gauge to the children’s answers and will set tasks accordingly.