Week Beginning 23rd September 2019

Weekly Diary Week Beginning- 23/09/19   Monday 23rd September   Parents Evening Booking Open – 7:30pm  Miss Forrester CEM Testing – all week   1:30pm – Mrs Foy ELCAT P1   2:00pm 4:00pm- Miss Wright PFFA Meeting Tuesday 24th September   9:30am – Road Safety Roadshow P1-3   9:30am – Mrs Ferguson NAMS Training   9:30am – Mrs Tierney Cluster Meeting   12:30am – Tutor to visit Mrs Shields and

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Primary 7

Each group in Primary 7 took an aspect of advertising and produced some fabulous ways to let everyone know about our coffee morning.   Fantastic work children you successfully applied the persuasive writing skills you have been developing.

MacMillian Coffee Morning

MacMillian Coffee Morning

The countdown is ON!  Next Wednesday  25th September 2019, we will be hosting a Macmillan Coffee Morning! Please come along from 10.00 am-11.30 am in our gym hall!   We’d really appreciate it if you could come along and join us in the fight against cancer.

Primary One Welcome Mass

What a wonderful start to the weekend as we celebrated our Primary 1 Welcome Mass.  Primary 7 presented their buddies with our school prayer.   Thank you to Father Haddock for a beautiful service and also to the music group for making the mass so special. Have a lovely weekend.

Week Beginning 16th September 2019

Weekly Diary Week Beginning- 16/09/19   Monday 16th September Learning Visits   9:30am Mrs Tierney to visit P1/2 Learning Visits  9:45AM Mrs Tierney to visit P1  SFL Learning Visit   1:30pm – Mrs Foy ELCAT P1   Tuesday 17th September Learning Visits  9:30am – Mrs Tierney and Mrs McLees at Nursery Meeting  1:15pm – Mrs Tierney P.E. visit Wednesday 18th September   Mrs Tierney HT Conference   10:30am – Mrs

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Junior Road Safety Officers

Our Junior Road Safety Officers had a great day at the JRSO Induction Meeting on Wednesday 11th September 2019.    They were exploring ways in which we can keep our roads safe.   Well done girls.