Primary 5 Growing Potatoes

We are really excited about Growing our own potatoes in Primary 5. Mr Walker has supported us greatly with the schools homegrown compost. We can now plant our tubers next week! We love STEM in P5!

Mrs Tierney’s visit to Primary 6

Mrs Tierney had a lovely time in Primary 6 this morning. She was very impressed with how well the children lead the learning in Numeracy. Great application of skills to work out perimeter. Keep up the fantastic work – Thank you Miss Wright and P6.

Primary 5 – Numeracy

Mrs Tierney had a lovely time in Primary 5 this morning and was impressed with all the hard work in Numeracy. Great application of skills to solve time problems.   Thank you Mrs Pattison and P5 – Keep up the fantastic work.

Primary 6 Numeracy Work

Mrs Tierney was really impressed with the Numeracy work of these great P6 children. It was lovely to hear about the work they are most proud of. Keep this excellent effort up everyone  

Primary 5 Welcome Some New Arrivals

Primary 5 were so excited to welcome some new arrivals to their class today. Their brown trout fish egg were delivered by our scientist. They promise to try their very best to help them to grow and develop into healthy brown trout.