⭐Attention Primary 4 ⭐

Please remember that pupils moving into Primary 4 no longer receive free lunch or breakfast. If you think you qualify for a free school meal or clothing grant you can apply using the following link  http://northlanarkshire.gov.uk/index.asp

Primary 4 First Communion

Miss McMullan, Miss Forrester and all staff are thinking about our children who were due to receive the Eucharist for the first time. We remember our special day and we know our children will get to celebrate it soon. Here are Miss McMullan and Miss Forrester on their special day

Sacrament of the Eucharist Primary 4

Today many of our Primary 4 children should have been receiving the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time. We are thinking and praying for you all. We look forward to celebrating with you and when your special day does come it will be such a joyous occasion. @CtkSjb