Primary 1 Mrs Tierney Visit

Mrs Tierney was so impressed with how ell Primary 1 Children have settled into school.   Great number work today.   We are so proud of you.   Thanks Miss Lamarra and Primary 1 for a fantastic visit.   Keep up the great work everyone – you are shining stars.

Primary 1/2 Mrs Tierney’s visit

Mrs Tierney had a great start to the week in Primary 1/2 this morning and was impressed with all the hard work in Literacy.   What independent and confident children.   It was  pleasure to visit your class.   Thank you Miss Wright and P 1/2 – Keep u the fabulous work.

Primary 4

Primary 4 using sponges and paint to add texture and design to the castles as part of Knights and Castles Topic.

Primary One Welcome Mass

What a wonderful start to the weekend as we celebrated our Primary 1 Welcome Mass.  Primary 7 presented their buddies with our school prayer.   Thank you to Father Haddock for a beautiful service and also to the music group for making the mass so special. Have a lovely weekend.

Week Beginning 16th September 2019

Weekly Diary Week Beginning- 16/09/19   Monday 16th September Learning Visits   9:30am Mrs Tierney to visit P1/2 Learning Visits  9:45AM Mrs Tierney to visit P1  SFL Learning Visit   1:30pm – Mrs Foy ELCAT P1   Tuesday 17th September Learning Visits  9:30am – Mrs Tierney and Mrs McLees at Nursery Meeting  1:15pm – Mrs Tierney P.E. visit Wednesday 18th September   Mrs Tierney HT Conference   10:30am – Mrs

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Junior Road Safety Officers

Our Junior Road Safety Officers had a great day at the JRSO Induction Meeting on Wednesday 11th September 2019.    They were exploring ways in which we can keep our roads safe.   Well done girls.