📝Write your best story ever … today’s Literacy Challenge📝
NLCLearningHub@NLCLearningHub Have a go with today’s Literacy Challenge
NLCLearningHub@NLCLearningHub Have a go with today’s Literacy Challenge
NLCLearningHub@NLCLearningHub What is the question? That’s what today’s Maths Challenge is all about. Come up with an answer and then think about what the question could have been. How many different questions can you come up with?
Motherwell Diocese@rcmotherwell A special invite to all members of our school communities across the Diocese to join Bishop Toal at 11am this Thursday, Solemnity of the Ascension, for a special Mass for Schools. Mass will be streamed live on our Facebook and at http://rcdom.org.uk
@MotherwellRE@motherwellre Day 15 of the @rcmotherwell #DailyAngelusChallengeForSchools Thank you @stathscarluke who helped with today’s video https://youtu.be/l0md69k5kVQ @LectioMotherwe1 @SCESDirector @rercag @TeachingisBeli1 @StAndFoundatio1 @SoePastoral
#BBCBitesizeDaily from 9am on@BBCiPlayerand Red Button http://bbc.in/BitesizeDaily Daily Lessons online, choose the year group that works for you and get stuck in! http://bbc.in/BitesizeDailyLessons…#HomeSchoolingUK 1 129 85
Today is the Feast of the Ascension, a Holy Day of Obligation. Bishop Toal has invited us all to join him for a very special Mass for all school communities at 11am. It would be lovely to come together virtually and celebrate with our faith community. Motherwell Diocese@rcmotherwell A special invite to all members of our school communities across the Diocese to join Bishop Toal at 11am this Thursday, Solemnity
Good morning everyone! We hope you are all well. Friday and Monday are holidays which means a break from home learning. Remember to check in on your Teams, Sumdog or Studyladder today and keep up the excellent effort.
A wee reminder that the schools’ May weekend holiday takes place on Friday 22 May 2020 and Monday 25 May 2020.
We hope all our school communities can join us for our live Mass for Schools tomorrow at 11am celebrated by Bishop Toal. If you don’t have access to Facebook you can also watch at http://rcdom.org.uk
We are having a Teams catch up tomorrow at 11am! Please come and join in so we can catch up on what you guys have been up to! See you tomorrow!!@CTKPSchool