📝Here is today’s Literacy Challenge. Why not have a go📝
NLCLearningHub@NLCLearningHub Have a go with today’s Literacy Challenge
NLCLearningHub@NLCLearningHub Have a go with today’s Literacy Challenge
We hope you are all safe and well. Home Learning will continue this week. Remember to check in on Teams, Studyladder, Sumdog and Twitter. We are really looking forward to hearing from you. Take care, stay safe.
Happy Sunday Primary 7! Let’s say hello to our PT of Art and Design! Ps. Induction days are getting closer!! Are you all excited?! #Transitions #MeetTheTeam
Today, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, we celebrate the true presence of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist – Body, Blood, soul and divinity – the source and submit of our Christian faith. We long for the day we can once again receive Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Hope you have all enjoyed your long lie! It’s time to meet another one of our unsung heros…. #Transition #MeetTheTeam
@MotherwellRE@motherwellre The @rcmotherwell RE dept have produced an online Children’s Liturgy resource for Sunday14th June. https://youtu.be/5rdXgPGl47E ***PLEASE SHARE*** @LectioMotherwe1 @SCESDirector @rercag @TeachingisBeli1 @SoePastoral @StAndFoundatio1 Show this thread
Sunday 14th June is the Feast of Corpus Christi, also known as the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.
Good afternoon everyone. Time to introduce you to another member of our spectacular teaching staff! Say hello to Mrs Burton! #Transition #MeetTheTeam
Looking forward to transition visits @TaylorHS1982next week well publicised by@TaylorHighTran1#transition