2308, 2020
Author Archives: Mrs Ferguson
2308, 2020
📚Fantastic Literacy Work📚
Wow- fantastic Literacy work today Primary 1. Keep up the great work everyone.
2308, 2020
👏Primary 4 have been exploring👏
Primary 4 have been exploring what it means to be worried. We made our own ‘Worry Monster’ to help us feel better when we are worrying about something.
2308, 2020
🌞Thank You to Parents/Carers🌞
Thank you to all our parents/carers for their support and co-operation at drop off and pick up times today. Please remember to continue to maintain social distancing or wear a mask whilst waiting for children at these times. Keeping our CTK community safe together.
2308, 2020
⭐Thank You⭐
A huge thank you to all parents/carers for their co-operation and patience at drop off/pick up times today, especially in the rain. Thank for adhering to social distancing regulations and parking arrangements.