⭐🔢Primary 5 Working hard during Maths🔢⭐
Primary 5 worked very hard during maths to practise their times tables. Keep up the excellent effort girls and boys…
Primary 5 worked very hard during maths to practise their times tables. Keep up the excellent effort girls and boys…
They had to spell out their name and spelling words using exercises. Well done everyone.
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A huge Happy Birthday to this lovely lady- have a fantastic day. Thank you for keeping our school clean, tidy and safe daily for all our children and staff team…
8:12 PM · Nov 30, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Our amazing PTA ‘12 Days of Christ The King’ event will launch tomorrow. Please check out CTK PC/PTA Facebook page for more information and share. Thank you for your continued support…
Click on the link below to view the video:- https://twitter.com/i/status/1333476384602255364
Congratulations to these amazing children. What a privilege to introduce you as our St Andrew’s Hospice Ambassadors today…
A huge congratulations to our Head Teacher Award winners for November. Thank you for all your hard work, excellent effort and growth mindset everyone. We are so proud of you- Keep up the great work…