๐๐Another great day of Remote Learning!๐๐
We are delighted by the engaged in learning online and via learning packs today- well done to all our children and parents.
We are delighted by the engaged in learning online and via learning packs today- well done to all our children and parents.
We know that the sleep of many kids has changed recently. We have a great resource to talk you through sleep and how you can support your child to improve their sleep: https://tinyurl.com/sleep-info-8
ย We have planned lots of learning for you to do on your Remote Learning Grids. Please check in on with your teacher on Teams. You can access Sumdog, Studyladder, BBC Bitesize if the system is busy. Remember to take breaks and take care#TeamCTK Relevant people Christ The King PS @CTKPSchool Following Our school is situated in the town of Holytown. Our school motto is Success Through Work Prayer and Play.
Closing date for P1 is 22nd January Closing date for Nursery is 12th February Please contact the school if you require any further information.
Discover lots of fun facts about food and healthy eating with @BBCBitesize Primary 2-4 https://bbc.in/3bc0OOr Primary 5-7 https://bbc.in/38h79GG And remember you can tune into Bitesize Scotland Daily on the @bbcscotland channel at 10am on weekdays!
Glow Scot@GlowScot Update on issue with Microsoft Teams. Please see our service status page for the latest information: https://status.education.scot 6:09 PM ยท Jan 11, 2021ยทTwitter for iPhone
A huge well done to all our children, parents and teachers on the first day of remote learning. We are so pleased with engagement today despite the technical issues- typical CTK resilience. Keep up the excellent work everyone.
There seems to be an issue with Teams this morning due to the demand across the country. Please do not worry and remember there are lots of offline activities planned too. Thank you for your patience- please bear with us.