🥇🏆Congratulations to these fantastic Primary 3 children🏆🥇
Congratulations to these fantastic Primary 3 children on their Studyladder achievements! We are very proud of you!
Congratulations to these fantastic Primary 3 children on their Studyladder achievements! We are very proud of you!
Keep up the great work and engagement today. Please remember it is important to be kind to yourself, talk about how you are feeling and have fun. We are here to support- please get in touch if we can help with anything.
Following the first minister’s announcement today we await further guidance from NLC before we communicate any arrangements to parents. We will keep you updated with information as it develops. Thank you for your continued support and patience.
Please remember February Break is Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th. Wednesday 10th is an in-service day for staff. No remote learning for children.
Today’s task is to ask a friend how they been feeling recently. Please share your friendly actions with us throughout the month. Let’s do this together Team CTK.
Hope you are all well! Remember to submit the tasks your teachers have highlighted- we are loving seeing all the hard work. Keep up the excellent effort and engagement. Take care, stay positive and be proud of yourself.
From Monday 1st February – Sunday 7th February it is Children’s Mental Health Week & this year’s theme is Express Yourself. Expressing yourself can be sharing feelings, thoughts, or ideas, through creativity. This could be doing activities that make you feel good.
Here are some ways to support children who may be needing a little help and support at the moment…
Our phone lines are currently working intermittently. We are working to resolve the issues. Please use HT e-mail address if you wish to contact the school. Thank you for patience.